Maura Magazine | Internal Tags | issue-9

Internal Tags issue-9

February Hurts

It might be cliché to say it, but man oh man am I happy February is over.

Swimming Pools

Now that Michael Phelps has exited the sport, perhaps elite competitive swimming will finally get a new, female superstar. But does it deserve one?

New Worlds

Guitarist Charlotte Hatherley steps into the future with Sylver Tongue.

Rest Of The Fests

id you miss out on the biggest music festivals of the season? Don’t fret—there are still plenty of ways to get involved in the music scene this spring. The following events are available for sponsorship—and while they may not be Lollapalooza, but which are cheap!

Dancing In Heaven

Few shows are so recklessly obvious about their goal of wish fulfillment as to actually name the fictional setting Paradise. Bunheads, however, is not like most of American television’s offerings.