Maura Magazine | 14 Indiepop Albums To Hunt Down On The Internet

14 Indiepop Albums To Hunt Down On The Internet

The definition of “indiepop” is nebulous. Is it defined by a sound? Well, not really; the next-wave of My Favorite, the psych-tinged dream lanscapes of Lilys, and the stark confessions of Lois certainly shared roots, but took them in wildly different directions. Indiepop is more of a feeling than anything, a longing for something better that can only be expressed by getting a few friends with instruments together and hitting record on a four-track, or a laptop, or even a boombox.

In honor of two indiepop festivals hitting New York City in the space of a fortnight—the NYC Popfest, which took place around the city as May turned into June, and Chickfactor 21, which happens at The Bell House in Brooklyn June 11 through 13—here is a very biased list of albums from that genre that are worthy of love and praise—not to mention inclusion on any mixtapes you might be making for crushes. (This list leans toward the female-fronted and C86-inspired, and my hope is that it inspires rebuttal-list kudzu.) I’m offering minimal information here so as to increase serendipity, but if you want a one-stop taste you can check out this Spotify playlist to sample some of the wares; others are long out of print, but worth the deep Googling.

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