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Internal Tags issue content

Dark Places

Kimee Massie sweeps the floor of Nadia Salon, a full-service hairstyling emporium located in the Pittsburgh neighborhood Shadyside. The lights are low, and if you ignore the Schwarzkopf hair dye display, the pink spray bottles at every stylist’s station, and the art-deco Marilyn Monroe print hanging on the wall, the room does resemble a yoga […]

Final Count

When people look back at the NBA Finals from Anno Domini Twenty-Thirteen, they’ll likely avoid sifting through all the narratives, subplots, and hijinks that came along with the Greatest NBA Finals Of The Twenty-First Century™. That’s not to say those gif-able moments, ensuing Twitter eruptions, and ESPN “First Take” reactions aren’t important; it’s just that […]


What kind of music makes you dig into yourself? Jeremy Larson traveled to Pittsburgh and connected the dots between enlightenment and drone metal at a class called BLACK YO)))GA. The name is an homage to the group Sunn O))), which I can absolutely appreciate; their music caused me to have an out-of-body experience last year […]


Voting with one’s music-buying dollars at the record store (or, in this case, the Target at Broadway Mall).


Fiction by Chiwan Choi.

To The Dogs

A visit to Woofstock, North America’s self-proclaimed “Largest Festival For Dogs.”

Mutant Limes

The Bud Light Lime-A-Rita (and its strawberry cousin), reviewed.

I Spy

Finding the One Page With A Message in Harriet The Spy, which turns 50 this year.

Friday Night Flights

Remembering the non-MTV outlets for music videos, one (usually rock) block at a time.

Over Mulholland

“Free Fallin’,” “The Middle,” and the squishiness of memory.


Remember the music video? Sure, it’s around (and still causing controversy, sort of!), but gone are the days when it would dominate entire afternoons of multiple basic-cable channels.

Mac On Mars

How did the most popular band of the ’70s get utterly lost a decade later?

Under the Boardwalk

Looking at Santa Cruz then and now through the eyes of Huey Lewis and The Lost Boys.


Why the video for R.E.M.’s “Everybody Hurts” is the greatest film ever made.


The other night a friend reminded me that my first instinct upon hearing about Kurt Cobain’s death (on the radio) was to go downstairs to my dorm’s computer lab and attempt to ferret out further details online.

Taking Time

Indiepop serendipity, discovered in a long-gone chain store.

The Real

Japan’s biggest virtual pop star goes high-culture in a splashy opera. But will it leave her core fans behind?

14 Indiepop Albums To Hunt Down On The Internet

A very biased list of albums from that genre that are worthy of love and praise—not to mention inclusion on any mixtapes you might be making for crushes

Nickelback In Suspenders

Are Mumford & Sons the next Nickelback? They could be, if they aren’t careful.


I ran. I ran so far away. I ran so far away from Mumford & Sons and screeching brides and into the arms of a punk shrine in deep Brooklyn.